Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Duplicating a Database using RMAN

RMAN duplicate command can be used to create a test database by copying a production database. Production database can be online.

The following webpage describes the steps involved:

However, in the step 6, it states:

STARTUP NOMOUNT the Target database.

I think here the term ‘target database’ could be misleading, it actually referred to the auxiliary instance.

In the context of RMAN and duplicate command, the terms should be understood as follows:

Target database – existing database which has RMAN backups and to be duplicated

Auxiliary database – the new database to be created.

I have difficulties to figure out how to deal with the following situation:

Target database – replicated, master definition site database

Auxiliary database – a test database, don’t want any replication stuff.

Previously I have worked out a procedure (see Tuesday, May 22, 2007 Post RMAN Refresh tasks -- Remove Replication ) , however, it seems have problems.

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