Saturday, October 13, 2012

SQL Server - Query shows hourly log backup size of a database in the tabular format

The query uses PIVOT feature:

--- in SQL Server, for databases using FULL recovery model, their transaction logs are backed up
--- quite frequently in a typical env. This query gives hourly log backup size of a database for 
--- each day in the tabular format
with B (backup_day, backup_hour, LogBackupSize_MB)
 select backup_day, backup_hour, cast(sum(backup_size)/1000000 as int) LogBackupSize_MB
        convert(char(23), bs.backup_start_date, 111) as backup_day
      , cast(datepart(hh, bs.backup_start_date) as varchar) backup_hour 
      , bs.backup_size as  backup_size
    msdb.dbo.backupset bs  
 WHERE  (CONVERT(datetime, bs.backup_start_date, 102) >= GETDATE() - 14)  
 and bs.database_name = 'MYDBNAME'
 and bs.type='L' 
 ) A
 group by backup_day, backup_hour
select * from B  -- cols to pivot: backup_day, hour, LogBackupSize_MB
pivot (
   max(LogBackupSize_MB) -- Pivot on this column
   for backup_hour in ([0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12],
                [13],[14],[15], [16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23],[24] ))  -- make backup_hour one of this     
   as LogBackupSizeHourly  -- Pivot table alias

In one of our production SQL Server databases, the transaction log backup happens every 15 min. Below is the sample output from the query:

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