Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Drop indexes that have never been used

Here is the plan:

1. Identify the indexes that are not appeared in the execution plan

create table index_drop_candidates
select owner, index_name
from dba_indexes
where owner='INDEXOWNER'
select object_owner, object_name
from v$sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'
select object_owner, object_name
from dba_hist_sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'

2. Exclude those indexes used for constraints

delete from index_drop_candidates
where index_name in
select constraint_name from dba_constraints where owner='INDEXOWNER' and constraint_type in ('P', 'U', 'R') ) ;

3. Run the following delete statement manually or put in the cron from time to time for some time

delete from index_drop_candidates
where index_name in
select object_name
from v$sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'
select object_name
from dba_hist_sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'

4. After some time, change those indexes still in the index_drop_candidates table to be invisible to observe any performance impact and decide if drop them accordingly

Note: There are cases that indexes have never been used in the execution plan, but they are needed to help CBO to choose a better plan. If such indexes are dropped, performance could be negatively impacted.

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