Wednesday, October 31, 2012
Drop indexes that have never been used
Here is the plan:
1. Identify the indexes that are not appeared in the execution plan
create table index_drop_candidates
select owner, index_name
from dba_indexes
where owner='INDEXOWNER'
select object_owner, object_name
from v$sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'
select object_owner, object_name
from dba_hist_sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'
2. Exclude those indexes used for constraints
delete from index_drop_candidates
where index_name in
select constraint_name from dba_constraints where owner='INDEXOWNER' and constraint_type in ('P', 'U', 'R') ) ;
3. Run the following delete statement manually or put in the cron from time to time for some time
delete from index_drop_candidates
where index_name in
select object_name
from v$sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'
select object_name
from dba_hist_sql_plan
where object_type ='INDEX'
and object_owner='INDEXOWNER'
4. After some time, change those indexes still in the index_drop_candidates table to be invisible to observe any performance impact and decide if drop them accordingly
Note: There are cases that indexes have never been used in the execution plan, but they are needed to help CBO to choose a better plan. If such indexes are dropped, performance could be negatively impacted.
Friday, October 19, 2012
Install Sample AdventureWorksLT2012 OLTP database on my SQL Server 2012 Express
I downloaded the mdf file from and placed it at C:\mssql_data. The in SSMS window, I issued:
The "full control" should be selected.
CREATE DATABASE AdventureWorks2012 ON (FILENAME = 'C:\mssql_data\AdventureWorksLT2012_Data.mdf') FOR ATTACH_REBUILD_LOG ;The message recieved are as follows:
File activation failure. The physical file name "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL11.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\AdventureWorksLT2012_log.ldf" may be incorrect. New log file 'C:\mssql_data\AdventureWorksLT2012_Data_log.ldf' was created. Converting database 'AdventureWorks2012' from version 705 to the current version 706. Database 'AdventureWorks2012' running the upgrade step from version 705 to version 706.It should be noted that I have to change the file permission in order to install it sucessfully. The screen shot for the file permission is shown below:
The "full control" should be selected.
Saturday, October 13, 2012
SQL Server - Query shows hourly log backup size of a database in the tabular format
The query uses PIVOT feature:
In one of our production SQL Server databases, the transaction log backup happens every 15 min. Below is the sample output from the query:
--- in SQL Server, for databases using FULL recovery model, their transaction logs are backed up --- quite frequently in a typical env. This query gives hourly log backup size of a database for --- each day in the tabular format with B (backup_day, backup_hour, LogBackupSize_MB) as ( select backup_day, backup_hour, cast(sum(backup_size)/1000000 as int) LogBackupSize_MB from ( select convert(char(23), bs.backup_start_date, 111) as backup_day , cast(datepart(hh, bs.backup_start_date) as varchar) backup_hour , bs.backup_size as backup_size from msdb.dbo.backupset bs WHERE (CONVERT(datetime, bs.backup_start_date, 102) >= GETDATE() - 14) and bs.database_name = 'MYDBNAME' and bs.type='L' ) A group by backup_day, backup_hour ) select * from B -- cols to pivot: backup_day, hour, LogBackupSize_MB pivot ( max(LogBackupSize_MB) -- Pivot on this column for backup_hour in ([0],[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12], [13],[14],[15], [16],[17],[18],[19],[20],[21],[22],[23],[24] )) -- make backup_hour one of this as LogBackupSizeHourly -- Pivot table alias
In one of our production SQL Server databases, the transaction log backup happens every 15 min. Below is the sample output from the query:
Wednesday, October 10, 2012
SQL Server - Script to show the size of all databases and database files
As a practise to write T-SQL code, comes up with the following script:
-- show size of all databases and database files -- uncommenet out the following 4 lines if used in sqlcmd :setvar sqlcmdheaders 40 -- "page size" :setvar sqlcmdcolwidth 132 -- line width :setvar sqlcmdmaxfixedtypewidth 32 -- max column width (fixed length) :setvar sqlcmdmaxvartypewidth 32 -- max column width (varying length) IF Object_id(N'tempdb..#tempTbl') IS NOT NULL DROP TABLE #temptbl CREATE TABLE #tempTbl ( DBName VARCHAR(50), DBFileName VARCHAR(50), PhysicalFileName NVARCHAR(260), FileSizeMB decimal(18,1) ) declare @cmd1 varchar(500) set @cmd1 =' insert into #tempTbl SELECT ''?'' as DBName ,cast( as varchar(25)) as DBFileName ,f.Filename as PhysicalFileName ,cast (round((f.size*8)/1024.0,2) as decimal(18,2)) as FileSizeinMB FROM ?..SYSFILES f ' exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1=@cmd1 select * from #tempTbl order by DBName select case when (GROUPING(DBName)=1) then '*** Total size ***' else isnull(DBname, 'UNKNOWN') end AS DBName ,SUM(FileSizeMB) As FileSizeMBSum from #tempTbl group by DBName with ROLLUP order by FileSizeMBSumSample output when used in sqlcmd:
$ sqlcmd -i dbfile_size.sql DBName DBFileName PhysicalFileName FileSizeMB -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- -------------------- DBAdmin DBAdmin c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 4.0 DBAdmin DBAdmin_log c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 1.0 DBAdmin DBAdmin_P01 c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 4.0 master master c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 4.0 master mastlog c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S .8 model modeldev c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 3.1 model modellog c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S .8 msdb MSDBData c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 13.8 msdb MSDBLog c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S .8 ReportServer$SQLEXPRESS ReportServer$SQLEXPRESS c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 5.1 ReportServer$SQLEXPRESS ReportServer$SQLEXPRESS_l c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 4.2 ReportServer$SQLEXPRESSTempDB ReportServer$SQLEXPRESSTe c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 4.1 ReportServer$SQLEXPRESSTempDB ReportServer$SQLEXPRESSTe c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 1.1 tempdb tempdev c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S 3.1 tempdb templog c:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL S .8 (15 rows affected) DBName FileSizeMBSum -------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- model 3.9 tempdb 3.9 master 4.8 ReportServer$SQLEXPRESSTempDB 5.2 DBAdmin 9.0 ReportServer$SQLEXPRESS 9.3 msdb 14.6 *** Total size *** 50.7 (8 rows affected)
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Using SQL Performance Analyzer in the planning of 11g upgrade for a critical database
In my working environment, there is a one-way replication setup from database ttpseprd to ttpsefh. Database ttpseprd has OLTP-type workload and ttpsefh is a reporting database. The two databases have almost same schemas and objects. Some time ago ttpsefh was upgraded from 10g to 11g and now the ttpseprd is planned to be upgraded to 11g soon. So the ttpsefh could be an ideal environment to test if there are any SQLs currentely run in the 10g ttpseprd database would be regressed after upgrade. For that purpose, I have conducted several SQL Peformnace Analyzer (SPA) experiments in a test 11gR2 database environment called dbahrgrd.
From the Grid Control homepage of the dbahrgrd database instance, by clicking the following links: Advisor Central => SQL Performance Analyzer => Guided Workflow, I can see the following five steps regarding how to execute a successful two-trial SPA test:
To complete the step 1, I need a STS obviously. I first created a STS called STS_TTPSEPRD_10G in the ttpseprd database and used OEM Grid Control to load the set from past 7 days of AWR data and from cursors in the shared pool as well. Behind the scene, the code used by OEM looks like:
The STS_TTPSEPRD_4 was created through the following code:
With the STS ready, it is straightforward to create the SPA test task through OEM.
In step 2, I executed the SQLs in the 10g ttpseprd database:
In step 3, I executed the SQLs in the 11g ttpsefh database:
It should be noted that in order to execute step 3 and 4, a database link should be valid from dbahrgrd to ttpsefhd and ttpseprd, respectively. In addition, the connecting user should be granted ADVISOR role and the privillege to execute SYS.DBMS_SQLPA procedure.
In step 4, I did comparsizon based on Buffer Gets:
It can be seen that there are Improvement Impact 21% and Regression Impact -2% in the 11g environment. By click the -2% link, we can check in detail about the regressed SQL. In this case only one SQL found and actually the plan was same essentially. So no real regression at all. I did similar tests on other three categories of SQLs. With these experiments, I am very confident that the upgrade will be successful at least in the area of SQL performance.
From the Grid Control homepage of the dbahrgrd database instance, by clicking the following links: Advisor Central => SQL Performance Analyzer => Guided Workflow, I can see the following five steps regarding how to execute a successful two-trial SPA test:
- Create SQL Performance Analyzer Task based on SQL Tuning Set
- Create SQL Trial in Initial Environment
- Create SQL Trial in Changed Environment
- Compare Step 2 and Step 3
- View Trial Comparison Report
To complete the step 1, I need a STS obviously. I first created a STS called STS_TTPSEPRD_10G in the ttpseprd database and used OEM Grid Control to load the set from past 7 days of AWR data and from cursors in the shared pool as well. Behind the scene, the code used by OEM looks like:
DECLARE sqlset_cur dbms_sqltune.sqlset_cursor; bf VARCHAR2(80); BEGIN bf := q'#UPPER(PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME) IN ('TTQMIGADMIN', 'TTQ2TACPVIEW', 'TTQ2_TACP') #'; OPEN sqlset_cur FOR SELECT VALUE(P) FROM TABLE( dbms_sqltune.select_workload_repository( '57490', '58146', bf, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, NULL)) P; dbms_sqltune.load_sqlset( sqlset_name=>'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G' , populate_cursor=>sqlset_cur , load_option => 'MERGE' , update_option => 'ACCUMULATE' , sqlset_owner=>'VUSERID'); END; DECLARE sqlset_cur dbms_sqltune.sqlset_cursor; bf VARCHAR2(80); BEGIN bf := q'#UPPER(PARSING_SCHEMA_NAME) IN ('TTQMIGADMIN', 'TTQ2TACPVIEW', 'TTQ2_TACP') #'; OPEN sqlset_cur FOR SELECT VALUE(P) FROM TABLE( dbms_sqltune.select_cursor_cache(bf, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, 1, NULL, 'TYPICAL')) P; dbms_sqltune.load_sqlset( sqlset_name=>'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G' , populate_cursor=>sqlset_cur , load_option => 'MERGE' , update_option => 'ACCUMULATE' , sqlset_owner=>'VUSERID'); END;Then following the procedure described in this Oracle document , I've transported STS_TTPSEPRD_10G from ttpseprd to dbahrgrd. There are 25993 SQLs in the set originally. I deleted all SQLs starting with 'insert', 'update' and 'detele' using the following syntax:
BEGIN DBMS_SQLTUNE.DELETE_SQLSET( sqlset_name => 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G', basic_filter => 'UPPER(SQL_TEXT) LIKE ''DELETE%'''); END; /After the deletion, the total number of the SQLs in the set come down to 19201. The SQLs in the set can be further categorized based on the number of executions. The following queries showed the number of SQLs in each category based on the executions range I chose.
SQL> select count(*) from DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS WHERE SQLSET_OWNER ='VUSERID' AND SQLSET_NAME= 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G' and executions > 200; COUNT(*) ---------- 3210 SQL> select count(*) from DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS WHERE SQLSET_OWNER ='VUSERID' AND SQLSET_NAME= 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G' and executions between 5 and 200; COUNT(*) ---------- 3509 SQL> select count(*) from DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS WHERE SQLSET_OWNER ='VUSERID' AND SQLSET_NAME= 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G' and executions between 2 and 4; COUNT(*) ---------- 8160 SQL> select count(*) from DBA_SQLSET_STATEMENTS WHERE SQLSET_OWNER ='VUSERID' AND SQLSET_NAME= 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G' and executions=1; COUNT(*) ---------- 4322It can be seen that there are many SQLs with executions equal one. Most of them was due to SQLs not using bind variables. For each category, I created a corresponding STS and did a SPA test on it. Below I will describe the test on the STS_TTPSEPRD_4 that contains SQLs with executions > 200.
The STS_TTPSEPRD_4 was created through the following code:
-- create a new STS from an existing STS BEGIN DBMS_SQLTUNE.CREATE_SQLSET( sqlset_name => 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G_4', description => 'subset of STS_SSODPRD_10G executions > 200'); END; / -- select from a sql tuning set and pass cursor to load_sqlset DECLARE cur sys_refcursor; BEGIN OPEN cur FOR SELECT VALUE (P) FROM table(dbms_sqltune.select_sqlset( 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G', basic_filter => 'executions > 200' )) P; -- Process each statement (or pass cursor to load_sqlset) DBMS_SQLTUNE.LOAD_SQLSET( sqlset_name => 'STS_TTPSEPRD_10G_4', populate_cursor => cur); CLOSE cur; END; /
With the STS ready, it is straightforward to create the SPA test task through OEM.
In step 2, I executed the SQLs in the 10g ttpseprd database:
begin dbms_sqlpa.execute_analysis_task(task_name => 'TTPSEPRD_TASK4' , execution_type => 'TEST EXECUTE' , execution_name => 'SQL_TRIAL_1349293404432' , execution_desc => 'execute in prd' , execution_params => dbms_advisor.arglist('LOCAL_TIME_LIMIT', '300', 'TIME_LIMIT', 'UNLIMITED', 'DATABASE_LINK', 'TTPSEPRD.MYCOMPA.COM') ); end;
In step 3, I executed the SQLs in the 11g ttpsefh database:
begin dbms_sqlpa.execute_analysis_task(task_name => 'TTPSEPRD_TASK4' , execution_type => 'TEST EXECUTE' , execution_name => 'SQL_TRIAL_1349294911119' , execution_desc => 'in ttpsefh' , execution_params => dbms_advisor.arglist('LOCAL_TIME_LIMIT', '300', 'TIME_LIMIT', 'UNLIMITED', 'DATABASE_LINK', 'TTPSEFH.MYCOMPA.COM') ); end;
It should be noted that in order to execute step 3 and 4, a database link should be valid from dbahrgrd to ttpsefhd and ttpseprd, respectively. In addition, the connecting user should be granted ADVISOR role and the privillege to execute SYS.DBMS_SQLPA procedure.
In step 4, I did comparsizon based on Buffer Gets:
begin dbms_sqlpa.execute_analysis_task(task_name => 'TTPSEPRD_TASK4' , execution_type => 'compare performance' , execution_name => 'COMPARE_1349297988711' , execution_params => dbms_advisor.arglist('comparison_metric', 'BUFFER_GETS', 'execution_name1', 'SQL_TRIAL_1349293404432', 'execution_name2', 'SQL_TRIAL_1349294911119', 'TIME_LIMIT', 'UNLIMITED') ); end;At last, come to the exciting part - step 5. It took just one click to view the result. The following is a screenshot of the overall report.
It can be seen that there are Improvement Impact 21% and Regression Impact -2% in the 11g environment. By click the -2% link, we can check in detail about the regressed SQL. In this case only one SQL found and actually the plan was same essentially. So no real regression at all. I did similar tests on other three categories of SQLs. With these experiments, I am very confident that the upgrade will be successful at least in the area of SQL performance.
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