Wednesday, October 12, 2011

SQL Server - Find out Transactions per second etc from DM_OS_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS

In a whitepaper named "Diagnosing and Resolving Latch Contention on SQL Server",  a script is provided to snap DM_OS_WAITE_STATS view to calculate wait over a period of time. In this post, based on the same idea,  I developed a script to snap the DM_OS_PERFORMANCE_COUNTERS view in order to find out transactions/sec for each database. It is also easy to be modified to get other performance counters.

-- script: snap_perf_conuter.sql

/* Snapshot the performance counters (such as transaction/sec) on sys.dm_os_performance_counters
   and store in a table so that they can be used to compute a per second value.
      This script is only applicable to Cntr_Type = 272696576. Different Cntr_type is explained
      in this blog:
** Data is maintained in tempdb so the connection must persist between each execution** 
**alternatively this could be modified to use a persisted table in tempdb. if that is changed code should be included to clean up the table at some point.**

use tempdb
declare @current_snap_time datetime
declare @previous_snap_time datetime
-- declare @l_counter_name  nchar(128)
declare @sqlcmd nvarchar(4000)
declare @l_counter_name  nvarchar(2000)

-- modify the counter_name as needed, some examples provided 
set @l_counter_name  = '''transactions/sec'''
-- set @l_counter_name = '''Batch Requests/sec'''                                                                                                              
-- set @l_counter_name= '''Page Splits/sec'',''Page lookups/sec'''
-- set @l_counter_name = '''transactions/sec'',''Batch Requests/sec'''                                                                                                              
-- set @l_counter_name='''Page compression attempts/sec'',''Page Deallocations/sec'',''Page lookups/sec'',''Page reads/sec'',''Page Splits/sec'',''Page writes/sec'',''Pages Allocated/sec'',''Pages compressed/sec'''
-- set @l_counter_name = '''Logins/sec'',''Logouts/sec'''                                                                                              

if not exists(select name from tempdb.sys.sysobjects where name like '#_perf_counter%') 
create table #_perf_counter ( "object_name" nchar(128) ,counter_name nchar(128) ,instance_name nchar(128) ,cntr_value bigint ,cntr_type int ,snap_time datetime

set @sqlcmd ='
insert into #_perf_counter (
from sys.dm_os_performance_counters
where counter_name in (' +  @l_counter_name +  ')'

exec sp_executesql @sqlcmd

--get the previous and current collection point
select top 1 @previous_snap_time = snap_time from #_perf_counter where snap_time < (select max(snap_time) from #_perf_counter) order by snap_time desc

select @current_snap_time = max(snap_time) from #_perf_counter

-- debug
select @current_snap_time end_time, @previous_snap_time start_time

set @sqlcmd='
,(e.cntr_value -s.cntr_value) / DATEDIFF(ss, s.snap_time, e.snap_time)  Per_Sec_Value 
--, s.snap_time as [start_time] 
--, e.snap_time as [end_time] , DATEDIFF(ss, s.snap_time, e.snap_time) as [seconds_in_sample] from #_perf_counter e inner join  
( select * from #_perf_counter   
where snap_time ='''+ convert(varchar(100), @previous_snap_time, 21) + ''' ) s on ( e.instance_name=s.instance_name and e.object_name = s.object_name and e.instance_name=s.instance_name 
   and e.counter_name=s.counter_name)
where e.snap_time= '''+  convert(varchar(100), @current_snap_time, 21) + ''' and e.counter_name in (' +  @l_counter_name + ')order by Per_Sec_value desc'

exec sp_executesql @sqlcmd

--clean up table
 delete from #_perf_counter
 where snap_time = @previous_snap_time

-----------------  end of script  ----

Sample output (edited) :
end_time                start_time
----------------------- -----------------------
2011-10-12 18:47:25.173 2011-10-12 18:46:23.190

(1 row(s) affected)

object_name                         counter_name     instance_name               Per_Sec_Value        seconds_in_sample
----------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------- -------------------- -----------------
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     _Total                      296                  62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     tempdb                      126                  62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     Orderplacement              100                  62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     master                      60                   62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     Distributor                 2                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     NOCVDB                      1                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     DBADB                       1                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     msdb                        1                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     tempdbx                     0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     spot_admin                  0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     ASPState                    0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     APPCACHELOG                 0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     VGISessions                 0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     SSNSDB                      0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     SSNS4DB                     0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     copper                      0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     VZWPCAT                     0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     model                       0                    62
MSSQL$FPSEFSDB_OP2:Databases        Transactions     mssqlsystemresource         0                    62

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