Monday, February 14, 2011

Open a HTML file from Cygwin command line

Cygwin allows me have a UNIX-link enviroment inside my Windows XP environment. As a Cygwin user, sometimes I would like to open a HTML file from Cygwin command line. To achieve this, first of all I create the following file and put under ~/bin.

---- start of ie.bat -----
@start "" /b "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" %*
---- end of ie.bat  ------

Secondly, in Cygwin, if we type pwd, we get UNIX-like current path name, i.e. with forward slashs, for example:
$ pwd

I need to convert it to Windows path name, so I create a shell script as follows:

$ cat ~/bin/pwdw
pwd | sed s#/cygdrive/c#c:# |sed  -e 's#\/#\\#g'

Now if I type 'pwdw' in the Cygwin command windows, I got:

$ pwdw

To start a HTML file, such as AWR report, what I need to do is:

ie.bat 'c:\Denis_Files\VZ2009\awrrpt_20101003_1300_1330.html'

Just a small tip that makes my life easier :-).

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