rem script: xplan_diff.sql rem execution plan for the subquery in the CASE statement not shown in SQL_TRACE/TKPROF in 9i rem rem spool xplan_diff.log set echo on drop table t; drop table t2; create table t as select rownum id, 'GOOD' val from all_objects where rownum <=20; update t set val='BAD' where mod(id,2) = 0; commit; create table t2 as select rownum id, 'TEST' val from all_objects where rownum <=20; alter session set tracefile_identifier = test; alter session set timed_statistics=true; alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'; set autotrace traceonly select id, case when val = 'GOOD' then (select t2.val from t, t2 where = and rownum = 1 ) else 'NO TEST' END as IS_TEST from t; set autotrace off alter session set events '10046 trace name context forever, level 12'; spool off exit; set doc off doc ---- Autotrace xplan --------------------------- Execution Plan ---------------------------------------------------------- 0 SELECT STATEMENT Optimizer=CHOOSE 1 0 COUNT (STOPKEY) 2 1 MERGE JOIN 3 2 SORT (JOIN) 4 3 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T2' 5 2 SORT (JOIN) 6 5 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T' 7 0 TABLE ACCESS (FULL) OF 'T' ----- tkprof ----------------------------------- Rows Row Source Operation ------- --------------------------------------------------- 20 TABLE ACCESS FULL T ------ Autotrace xplan ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | Id | Operation | Name | Rows | Bytes | Cost (%CPU)| Time | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- | 0 | SELECT STATEMENT | | 20 | 380 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | |* 1 | COUNT STOPKEY | | | | | | |* 2 | HASH JOIN | | 20 | 640 | 5 (20)| 00:00:01 | | 3 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T | 20 | 260 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 4 | TABLE ACCESS FULL| T2 | 20 | 380 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | | 5 | TABLE ACCESS FULL | T | 20 | 380 | 2 (0)| 00:00:01 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Predicate Information (identified by operation id): --------------------------------------------------- 1 - filter(ROWNUM=1) 2 - access("T"."ID"="T2"."ID") ------ tkprof ------------ Rows Row Source Operation ------- --------------------------------------------------- 1 COUNT STOPKEY (cr=6 pr=0 pw=0 time=1435 us) 1 HASH JOIN (cr=6 pr=0 pw=0 time=1417 us) 20 TABLE ACCESS FULL T (cr=3 pr=0 pw=0 time=109 us) 1 TABLE ACCESS FULL T2 (cr=3 pr=0 pw=0 time=64 us) 20 TABLE ACCESS FULL T (cr=4 pr=0 pw=0 time=72 us) #
Note: in no such problem.
I was puzzled the other day about a similar sql to that in the above test case in our 9i production database, which has two cursors with very different sql_plan_hash_value and gets_per_exections when I checked it from v$sql. But when I pulled the execution plan out from v$sql_plan, the execution plan from both cursors are exactly same. Now I understand the subquery execution plan parts are missing. The different cost is due to the join order swapped in the subquery.
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