Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Bump up sequences

I got a requirement to bump up more than 200 sequences in a database. Initially I developed SQL scripts to bump up based on the difference between the target value and the dba_sequneces.last_number column for each of the sequences. However, I soon found out that the last_number does not necessarily equal to the seq.nextval. This is apparently due to the cache_size option. For example:

TESTDB> create sequence temp_seq;

Sequence created.

TESTDB> select temp_seq.nextval from dual;


TESTDB> select temp_seq.nextval from dual;


TESTDB> select SEQUENCE_NAME, cache_size, last_number from user_sequences;

------------------------------ ---------- -----------
TEMP_SEQ                               20          21

I finally decdied to adopt a PL/SQL solution. I first created a helper table (seq_bump), which stores the target values. Then, I created the following PL/SQL procedure:

  cursor c is 
   select seq_owner, seq_name, bump_number 
   from seq_bump;

  stmt varchar2(300);
  l_seq_owner seq_bump.seq_owner%type;
  l_seq_name seq_bump.seq_name%type;
  l_bump_number seq_bump.bump_number%type;
  l_nextval number;
  l_inc   number;
  l_count number :=0;
  open c;
   -- l_count := l_count + 1;
   --  dbms_output.put_line('**** conunter = ' || l_count );
    fetch c into l_seq_owner, l_seq_name, l_bump_number;
    stmt:= 'select ' || l_seq_owner || '.' || l_seq_name || '.nextval from dual';
    execute immediate stmt into l_nextval;
   --  dbms_output.put_line('next values is ' || l_nextval);
    l_inc := l_bump_number - l_nextval;
    stmt:= 'alter sequence ' || l_seq_owner || '.' || l_seq_name || ' increment by ' || l_inc ;
   --  dbms_output.put_line(stmt);
    execute immediate stmt;
    stmt:= 'select ' || l_seq_owner || '.' || l_seq_name || '.nextval from dual';
  --  dbms_output.put_line(stmt);
    execute immediate stmt into l_nextval;
    stmt:= 'alter sequence ' || l_seq_owner || '.' || l_seq_name || ' increment by 1 ';
    execute immediate stmt;
    exit when c%notfound;
  end loop;
  close c;

I tested above procedure and this will be implemented in production this weekend, hopefully it will work as I expect.


Rafu said...

Nicer solution than the one that I have used. Dropping and creating sequences setting start with value.
Are all your sequences originally incrementing by one? At least after the execution they are "increment by 1".

yds said...

@Rafu - Thanks for stopping by. I did not do drop and re-create was to try to avoid grant privs and create synonyms. Yes, all my sequneces are incremented by 1.