Monday, October 27, 2008

Identify and kill a blocking session - enq: TX - row lock contention

This post documented steps I have taken to identify and kill a blocking session:

1. Recived alert:

DBNAME:critical-Higher wait events:enq: TX - row lock contention-63(threshold 50)

2. Checking the wait events, find that the count for 'enq: TX - row lock contention' is high

  COUNT(*) EVENT                                         MAX(SECONDS_IN_WAIT)
---------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------
5753 SQL*Net message from client                                6048278
188 SQL*Net break/reset to client                                33425
149 enq: TX - row lock contention                                12274
20 rdbms ipc message                                            41691
1 Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait                             556815
1 Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the queue                    5
1 Streams AQ: waiting for time management or cl                33106
eanup tasks
1 db file parallel write                                           0
1 direct path write                                                2
1 Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait                      6184833
1 jobq slave wait                                                 18
1 os thread startup                                                0
1 pmon timer                                                   18795
1 smon timer                                                    5504
1 SQL*Net message to client                                        0

3. Checking locks:

Looks everyone is waiting for sid=7752

system@DBNAME> @qlocks

Lock                Time Held
SID Lock Type Requested Lock Held (minutes) Block
------ --------- --------- --------- --------- -----
7752 Trans     None      Exclusive       325 Yes
3994 Trans     Share     None            324 No
8305 Trans     Share     None            323 No
4922 Trans     Share     None            292 No
3977 Trans     Share     None            285 No
7668 Trans     Share     None            282 No
4379 Trans     Share     None            124 No
5423 Trans     Share     None              1 No
7611 Trans     Share     None              1 No
6080 Trans     Share     None              1 No
3843 Trans     Share     None              0 No
4731 Trans     Share     None              0 No

( truncated ...  total 116 rows )

system@DBNAME> @blocker

ADDR             KADDR               SID TY        ID1        ID2      LMODE    REQUEST      CTIME   Block
---------------- ---------------- ------ -- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
0000000516758030 00000005167581B8   7752 TX    3080222     128785          6          0      19544 ##########

4. Check the session sid=7752

system@DBNAME> @sess_by_sid
Enter value for sid: 7752

Shadow       Remote       Remote
SID-SERIAL   OS User  Username         Module         Process      Process      Machine              Logon Time      Status
------------ -------- ---------------- -------------- ------------ ------------ -------------------- --------------- --------
'7752,55822' doammw27 OLAMLOG                         8786         1234         dspcef07             10/26 13:42:04  INACTIVE

5. The following query shows that session sid=7752 is 19367 sec old, and the last call made by it is 19366 sec ago.

system@DBNAME> @trans_long_running.sql

ADDR             Status       UBAREC           START_SCN SYSDATE             START_DATE                SECS     RSSIZE   SID LAST_CALL_ET Status   Username         OS User  SHARABLE_MEM
---------------- -------- ---------- ------------------- ------------------- ------------------- ---------- ---------- ----- ------------ -------- ---------------- -------- ------------
0000000516758030 ACTIVE           13      10172725882034 2008-10-26 19:05:54 2008-10-26 13:43:07      19367    1171456  7752        19366 INACTIVE OLAMLOG          doammw27

6. After killing the session sid=7752, wait event showed as follows:

  COUNT(*) EVENT                                         MAX(SECONDS_IN_WAIT)
---------- --------------------------------------------- --------------------
5943 SQL*Net message from client                                6049401
188 SQL*Net break/reset to client                                34548
22 rdbms ipc message                                            42814
1 smon timer                                                     276
1 Streams AQ: waiting for time management or cl                34229
eanup tasks

1 jobq slave wait                                                 47
1 pmon timer                                                     283
1 Streams AQ: qmn slave idle wait                             557938
1 Streams AQ: qmn coordinator idle wait                      6185956
1 SQL*Net message to client                                        0
1 Streams AQ: waiting for messages in the queue                    5

Appendix - scripts used:

$ cat event.sql
rem file: event.sql
rem  Lists the Current Waits in the database.
rem  First Script to run in the database to debug performance issues.
rem  This query lists the Count of Sessions group by Wait Event, and
rem  sorted in Ascending Order.
rem  Look for Top 5 Wait events from this query.
rem  Also listed is the maximum time ( seconds) sessions
rem  have waited against a particular wait event. Count Information is
rem  more valuable than the Max time information.
column event format a45
select count(*), event, max(seconds_in_wait) from v$session_wait
group by event
order by 1 desc


$ cat qlocks.sql
clear columns
clear computes
clear breaks

set linesize 240
set pagesize 40

column sid      format 99999    heading "SID"
column locktype format A9       heading "Lock Type"
column lockreq  format A9       heading "Lock     Requested"
column lockheld format A9       heading "Lock Held"
column timeheld format 9999999  heading "Time Held(minutes)"
column block    format a5       heading "Block"

select /* RULE */ l.sid sid,
decode(l.type,'TM','DML','TX','Trans','UL','User',l.type) locktype,
decode(l.request,0,'None',1,'Null',2,'Row-S',3,'Row-X',4,'Share',5,'S/Row-X',6,'Exclusive') lockreq,
decode(l.lmode,0,'None',1,'Null',2,'Row-S',3,'Row-X',4,'Share',5,'S/Row-X',6,'Exclusive') lockheld,
l.ctime/60 timeheld,
decode(l.block,0,'No',1,'Yes') block
from v$lock l
where l.request != 0 or l.block != 0
order by l.id1, l.lmode desc, l.ctime desc

$ cat blocker.sql
select * from v$lock where block > 0

$ cat sess_by_sid.sql
set linesize 250
set pagesize 1000
set verify off

column SidSerial        format a12      heading "SID-SERIAL"
column sid      format 9999     heading "SID"
column serial   format 99999    heading "Serial "
column osuser   format a8       heading "OS User"
column username format a16      heading "Username"
column module   format a14      heading "Module"
column spid     format 999999   heading "ShadowProcess"
column process  format 999999   heading "RemoteProcess"
column machine  format a20      heading "RemoteMachine"
column time     format a15      heading "Logon Time"
column status   format a8       heading "Status"

select ''''||s.sid||','||s.serial# ||'''' SidSerial,
--select s.sid sid ,
--s.serial# serial,
s.osuser                 osuser,
s.username               username,
s.module                 module,
p.spid                   spid,
s.process                process,
s.machine                machine,
to_char(s.logon_time, 'mm/dd hh24:mi:ss') time,
s.status                 status
from v$session s, v$process p
where s.paddr = p.addr (+)
and s.sid = &sid


$ cat trans_long_running.sql
column start_scn format 999999999999999999
(SYSDATE - t.start_date) * 86400
) secs,
v$transaction t
join v$rollstat r on t.xidusn = r.usn
join v$session s on s.saddr = t.ses_addr
left outer join v$sqlarea sa on s.sql_address = sa.address
where s.sid = 7752


Newbie said...

Hi Denis,

A very good article I must say

BTW, for sess_by_sid.sql, I think the line below:

select ''''s.sid','s.serial#'''' SidSerial,

Should be ...

select '''' || s.sid || ',' || s.serial# || '''' SidSerial,

Can you confirm that? I hope I can be as lucky as you working in the USA :-)

yds said...

@Newbie - glad you find some useful info here. I corrected the script. Thanks!

Moona Malai said...

Hi Denis,

It would be handy if you can change the tran_long_running.sql to prompt for the sid number. You currently have it hard coded at 7752.

where s.sid = &sid

Nice work.