Monday, October 22, 2007

Definer rights vs Invoker rights

Definer rights and invoker rights are described in the Oracle docs as shown in

I took the following notes from the above docs to help me understand these concepts:

1. Assuming both Scott and Blake has a table called dept.
2. Scott created a procedure as follows:

CREATE PROCEDURE create_dept (
my_deptno NUMBER,
my_dname VARCHAR2,
my_loc VARCHAR2) AS
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (my_deptno, my_dname, my_loc);

3. Scott grant the execute privilege to Blake, e.g.
scott@mydb> grant execute on create_dept to Blake;

4. Blake execute the procedure create_dept, e.g.
blake@mydb> execute create_dept(10, 'sales', 'New York');

5. Blake will create a department 'sales' in the table dept residing in Scott, not in Blake.

This is due to the definer's rights - the procedure gets executed with the privileges and schema context of the owner.

6. If in step 2, Scott create an invoker-rights procedure as follows

CREATE PROCEDURE create_dept (
my_deptno NUMBER,
my_dname VARCHAR2,
INSERT INTO dept VALUES (my_deptno, my_dname, my_loc);

7. Then, if Blake repeats the step 4, Blake will create a a department 'sales' in the table dept residing in Blake, not in Scott.

This is due to the invoker's right - the procedure gets executed with the privileges and schema context of the current user.

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