Tuesday, September 18, 2007

An Experiment on ASSM vs MSSM

I have done a similar experiment on automatic segment space management (ASSM) and manual segment space management (MSSM) as described in the book 'Effective Oracle by Design' (Tom kytes, pp232-234). The test environment is 10gR2 on Windows.

The steps are as follows:

1. Create the tablespace auto_tbs and manual_tbs:

The only difference in the definition is the following clause:
- segement space managemnt auto
- segement space management manual

2. Create two tables auto_table and manual_tables in these two tablespaces respectively

3. Perform insert/delete to these two tables for about 15 min with 10 simutaneous sessions

4. Before and after insert/delete, taking AWR snapshots

5. Analyze the results:

(a) Summary

- In the case of MSSM, buffer busy wait is more significant than in the case of ASSM, 3,831 vs 1,033.

In the case of heavy insert, these wait are induced by freelist contention. When using ASSM, this contention could be dramatically reduced. For MSSM to achieve same effects, we may need to fine-tuning with freelists and freelist groups.

- ASSM shows larger wait time for read by other session event than MSSM

- In both case, the number of rows inserted is close. With respect to this effect, ASSM and MSSM have not much difference. The freelist contention as seen in the case of MSSM play a little role.

(b) Notes about read by other session

"My understanding is that other concurrency related waits such as freelists are still reported as 'buffer busy waits'."

From this experiment, I agree with the above statement by a commentator in the blog (http://blogs.sun.com/glennf/entry/wait_events_renamed_in_10g)


(a) manual_table

scott@ORCL> select count(*) from manual_table;


Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction
--------------- ---------------
Executes: 366.50 3.29
Transactions: 111.35

Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call
Event Waits Time (s) (ms) Time Wait Class
------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------
db file sequential read 9,190 965 105 12.7 User I/O
CPU time 617 8.1
enq: TX - contention 344 588 1710 7.8 Other
read by other session 8,476 553 65 7.3 User I/O
buffer busy waits 3,831 243 63 3.2 Concurrenc

(b) auto_table

scott@ORCL> select count(*) from auto_table;


Load Profile
~~~~~~~~~~~~ Per Second Per Transaction
--------------- ---------------
Executes: 383.64 3.38
Transactions: 113.63

Top 5 Timed Events Avg %Total
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ wait Call
Event Waits Time (s) (ms) Time Wait Class
------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------ ------ ----------
db file sequential read 10,324 1,417 137 16.7 User I/O
read by other session 10,431 731 70 8.6 User I/O
CPU time 677 8.0
enq: HW - contention 1,008 557 553 6.6 Configurat
log file parallel write 4,104 192 47 2.3 System I/O

%Time Total Wait wait Waits
Event Waits -outs Time (s) (ms) /txn
---------------------------- -------------- ------ ----------- ------- ---------
db file sequential read 10,324 .0 1,417 137 0.1
buffer busy waits 1,033 .0 48 47 0.0


Unknown said...

Nice blog dennis.
I have a question because i want to run similar test with 30 sessions. How did you run the 10 concurrent sessions? Did you open manually 10 sql/plus sessions or did you use any tool like hammerora or quest benchmark for databases?

Thank you

yds said...


Thanks for reading my blog.

I guess I have 10 commands in a script. Then fire that script.

$ cat auto_tab_ins_10sess.sh
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &
sqlplus dennis/oracle @ins_del_auto_tab.sql &

- Denis

yds said...

I installed Cygwin on my Windows XP PC. So I can have UNIX-like environment.

Another way to run 10 sessions concurrently is to set up 10 jobs through dbms_job in the database itself.

- Denis