Saturday, August 12, 2006

Merging Rows into a Table

Merging Rows into a Table

The MERGE statement is used to both update and insert rows in a table. The MERGE statement has a join specification that describes how to determine if an update or insert should be executed. Figure 6.4 shows the syntax of the MERGE statement.

The WHEN MATCHED predicate specifies how to update the existing rows. The WHEN NOT MATCHED predicate specifies how to create rows that do not exist.

In the following example, we have a new pricing sheet for products in category 33. This new pricing data has been loaded into the NEW_PRICES table. We need to update the PRODUCT_INFORMATION table with these new prices. The NEW_PRICES table contains updates to existing rows in the PRODUCT_INFORMATION table as well as new products. The new products need to be inserted and the existing products need to be updated.

SELECT product_id,category_id,list_price,min_price
FROM oe.product_information
WHERE category_id=33;

---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
2986 33 125 111
3163 33 35 29
3165 33 40 34
3167 33 55 47
3216 33 30 26
3220 33 45 36

FROM new_prices;

---------- ---------- ----------
2986 135 121
3163 40 32
3164 40 35
3165 40 37
3166 50 45
3167 55 50
3216 30 26
3220 45 36

We use the MERGE statement to perform an update/insert of the new pricing data into the PRODUCT_INFORMATION table, as follows:

MERGE INTO oe.product_information pi
USING (SELECT product_id, list_price, min_price
FROM new_prices) NP
ON (pi.product_id = np.product_id)
WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET pi.list_price =np.list_price
,pi.min_price = np.min_price
WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN INSERT (pi.product_id,pi.category_id
VALUES (np.product_id, 33,np.list_price, np.min_price);

---------- ----------- ---------- ----------
2986 33 135 121 (updated)
3163 33 40 32 (updated)
3164 33 40 35 (inserted)
3165 33 40 37 (updated)
3166 33 50 45 (inserted)
3167 33 55 50 (updated)
3216 33 30 26 (updated)
3220 33 45 36 (updated)

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